14 October 2007

Jane Harman & Talk of Treason

Jane Harman on the streets skipping by MisPrison of Treason talk

In the below street video clip, Rep. Harman is asked about Misprison of Treason and protection of the Constitution against President Bush's over reaching of Presidential authority as she walks to a car.

Following video clip, continuation of talk of MisPrison of Treason and Impeachment with a member of Jane Harman's entourage.

v-OiBF1jaA" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v-OiBF1jaA

Jane Harman Town Hall - Question & Answer segment only.

Interesting note, at the beginning of this clip Rep. Harman after reviewing the agenda turns to her aide and says "this is not right". Minute into this clip, Rep. Harman states that a Republican Congress member stated in her office he would support impeachment if Bush were to invade Iran.